Sunday, October 22, 2006

monday, i'm gonna hate you

i really don't like mondays. they just annoy me. honestly, i think they would annoy me less if i wasn't forced to reminise about the weekend when i get to work. it was wonderful while it lasted, but now it's done, so please, let's just move on.

my computer was doing this wierd thing were every time i pressed ' it brought up the find window. i've never had that happen before. but now that it's stopped, i just went back and put all the apostrophes in. it's bad enough that i can't spell, i can't have bad punctuation too.

"the prestige" was a fantastic movie and i need to watch it again. while it was nothing like i expected it still far surpassed my expectations. rarely does a movie have ellicit such a strong reaction from me that i feel like i'm going to vomit and am silent for the whole movie. i didn't even once comment on the super-duper awesomeness of hugh and chistian in one movie! clearly, this ws a movie that didn't mess around.

questionable content
is my new favorite webcomic. it, like the only other webcomic i read, also features indie boys and robots. you find something you like, just stick with it.

and finally, i have a kitty. her name is harlequin and i love her. you may call her harley and come over and pet her soft furry belly and listen to her purrs. her favorite things are getting pettings, watching batman cartoons (especially the ones featuring a certain clown) and blogging. the piitter patter of typing is like human purring. i really need to borrow a digital camera so i can share with the world the cuteness that is the tiny fuzz-ball harley. sometimes when she meows she sounds like a goat. unfortunately, she lived a tough life early on. she was homeless, hungry, fell in with the wrong crowd and had kittens when she was merely 6 months old. but it's ok, she was young and she needed the money and she's well on her way to reform. so this weekend, i'm going to the pet store to get her a pretty patent leather red collar. it'll fit her other nickname, which is harlot. i think she'll like it.

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