Saturday, February 24, 2007

anyone else?

ya know when you go to a new doctor and they have you fill out a questionnaire? for the question "do you consume alcohol regularly?" does anyone else have a strict policy of deny, deny, deny?

at any rate, it's possible that a cure for my constant sinus and ear infections has finally been found. it's a septoplasty, and i don't think i'll be opting to have a free rhinoplasty thrown in. i'm pretty happy with the outside of my nose, and i'll like the inside once it starts working.

all in all, i'm pretty excited about this. i'll admit to being somewhat nervous after i found out that this isn't an "easy peasy" surgery since you're automatically prescribed vicodin, which, in my opinion is a little hardcore. why not just give me some oxycotin and call it a day? but, if two weeks of pain/minor drug dependency is what it takes to become a healthy nose breather instead of a sickly mouth breather - i'm all for it. just so long as it can wait til after st. paddy's day.


Greg said...

I have a nasty deviated septum too. I've tried breathe right strips and everything, but I still snore like a mo-fo.
I'd be interested in how that goes for you, I probably need to have something done too, but the idea of someone slicing into my cartilage and potentially changing the structure of my nose as a result is freaky to me.

GabsOSteel said...

well, unless your deviated septum is causing constant infections or sleep apnea (sp?) it really won't be recommended to you. and i'm worried about the look of my nose too, i've grown quite attached to it over these last 27 years.

but i'll be sure to post the results - most likely on a different blog so no one has to read the gross results if they don't want to.