Friday, August 11, 2006

a simile is like a metaphor w/o the analogy

or is it the other way around?

i have to tell you - this long distance thing sucks. i'm not whining, it's just that well, it sucks. i'm lonely and i hate being in my apt. lately. the really sucky thing is that i'm the kind of lonely where sometimes being with people makes me even lonlier. wierd, right? it's not the worst thing ever, it's not impossible, it'll be fine. it's just kinda like stubbing your toe when you should be dancing.

for some reason, on my way home, i decided that getting promoted to the really good jobs is like getting to be queen. there's a lot of people who have to die before you get to. or, you can switch countranies and move up the ranks over there. or, you could sleep around til you find someone who just gives you what you want with no real title. i don't know if any of this is actually true, but it amused me.

i also heard two excellent pick up lines on the way home. "hey, white girl!" and "baby, if you were helping me sell pillows i'd sell a thousand a day." maybe next time gents, maybe next time.


Johnny said...

Verra cute, dear. Those sassy guys.


And I am sorry I missed your call last phone did not ring, which makes me sad...

Greg said...

Is your apartment still all ghosty? If so, then you're not really alone, are you? If not, then congratulations on being phantom-free!