Sunday, May 25, 2008


lots of people recently graduated. i don't know most of them, but congrats anyway! and for those of you who graduated and invited me to your party, double congrats!! sorry i moved away and can't attend most of them. i have no doubt they'll still be a blast.

which reminds me, i went to one yesterday. someone's now a law grad! and i mentioned to someone who was a law grad a few years back that i thought about going to law school but then realized it meant that i would have to go to law school. and while i was shuddering from the idea of having to spend more time skipping clases, i also realized that while imitation is the highest form of flattery, too much is just creepy.

and so, i present to you, all the ways in which i am apparently trying to become a garvey when i grow up (in no particular order).

- hurray for saturday morning cartoons!
- comics are awesome too!
- play volleyball in iroquois high school's gym
- misspell iraquois (i'm assuming)
- join LT
- hang out in B1
- ohmygod, i'm so drunk
- repeat
- art with fr. tunney
- briefly visit albany
- live with johnny
- graduate from canisius
- go to bidness school
- oh 44, you're awesome
- woo hoo, i have an MBA!
- move to chicago
- eat so much pizza
- take the L in the wrong direction (that's just me? damn)
- blog for the masses

all that's left is to marry a battaglia and have cute babies. best to stop before this just gets crazy.


Mike Garvey said...

Dude, I took the L in the wrong direction DAILY.

Thanks for the ups!

GabsOSteel said...

you're most welcome!