Wednesday, January 18, 2006

it is totally shit-tay outside. but not as shit-tay as the people who own the liquor store across the street from me. pair of maladjusted pockfaced whales doesn't begin to describe it.

i just got home from the class that i think may change my life. if it hasn't already. it's arts management and dear lord, this is the class that'll teach me how to do what i've always wanted to do for the rest of my life. manage the unmanageable. and by that, i don't mean stifle the creativity out of art, i mean find new and interesting ways to bring it to people, make it accessible. run a goddamn art gallery/museum. and make money! hot shit, i can get a masters in this too, even a PhD. so, if i did that, after my MBA, i would then have a total of 8 letters after my name, and 3 commas. i can dig it. but in all seriousness, you know how everyone says you have that one teacher, that one class that really means the world to you? i've been lucky to have thought that i had several of those before, but now i know what they really mean. and i'm going to have to work my ass off for this. between AM and tech & e-business i will never see the outside world again until may, but it'll be worth it. i'm drinking the wine to calm me down, not warm me up. i'm too freaking excited about what this semester will hold to type about it anymore. i need to go run in circles or something.

oh, and on a "buffalo is a small world" theme, lenny is in my class. we had a delightful chat about new year's eve and tried to fill some of each other's blank spots. didn't work.

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