Friday, January 27, 2006

it's a little known fact that i'm a sucker for chick flicks. or maybe it's widely known. i don't care, the point is, i only like the ones that are good. if any one of the leads used to be on a disney or nickelodeon show, i'm not gonna watch it (sorry lindsay). but, if it has hugh grant as the prime minister, i'm totally in. "love actually" almost beat out the "princess bride" for best movie ever in my book. but, let's not be silly, that would be sacrilege and the world would end. but all kidding aside, "love actually" is a brilliant movie. i laughed, i cried, and then i smiled through my tears. and then i remembered why i love the pointer sisters. i'm watching it again tomorrow. and i'm going to make johnny watch it with me. and he'll like it, though he'll probably never admit it.

my meme was pretty lame when i did it as gabby, it was all about gossip, and "desperate housewives," breeding cats and cheats for playing yoshi. but when i did it as gabrielle, well, it just got really dirty. and sometimes freaking accurate. this is what google has prescribed for me:
- needs to demonstrate a consistent effort when completing school work
- needs (to be) a trophy wife
- needs XenaRotica
- the last thing I need is *that* kind of relationship with Xena
- needs cultivating friendships
- needs grab bag 2
- needs group therapy
- needs the deliverer and crusader
- needs music across the miles
- needs able angel gremlin
- needs grammar
- needs "cooking without looking"

that was pretty fun - what are we doing next?

btw, the entire first seasons of "batman beyond" and "teen titans" have been put into production. yes, my copies are preordered. yes, you can come over and watch them. i hope you don't have plans for march 23. actually, shit, that's a thursday. come over on friday instead.


Mike Garvey said...

Princess Bride = not a chick flick.

And by the way, I won't even ask if I can "borrow" your BB and TT dvds when they arrive...

GabsOSteel said...

oh, you can borrow them but this time i might have to insist that you return them. :) and just so you know, they also have superman stuff that was just released...

Mike Garvey said...

I already own superman TAS season 1 and it is ever so awesome. Once I get the lexis nexis points together, season 2 will be on it's way.

Then we can have a nerd-off!

GabsOSteel said...

you wait to have points to purchase the dvds? and you call yourself a fan. i'm so disappointed in you.