Wednesday, November 28, 2007

phat pasta

looking for a job is hard. I mean, I know I hired someone to do all the hard stuff for me, but now I’m getting calls and emails and thank god I’m off, or I’d never be able to manage all of it. and no, I’m not bragging considering that most of the jobs are for things that I’m so not qualified for. you mention that you know how to use Lawson and suddenly you get jobs to be the VP of IT. or, they want you to go to Atlanta and help a company install Lawson. hello – did you actually read my resume? are my initials AL for awesome Lawson-guy, or MS for master SQL-guy? no, they’re GP for got pie? I really like pie. but really, it’s been cool. I talked to a head hunter before I left for c-go who told me that I’m worth more than I thought, but no one will pay me that cause I’m young. oh well. then I accidentally stalked a really nice Canadian (are there any other kind?) in the airport who hooked me up with a lead for Praxair in Chicago. so, all in all, it’s good stuff.

we got thai last night. or rather, I got Japanese from a thai restaurant. two things to say about that – 1) it should be illegal to offer tempura as a delivery item. it arrives mushy and can be described as tempur-yech. 2) japanese noodles are the sumo wrestlers of the noodle world. seriously, those things are like obese spaghetti.

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