Monday, February 18, 2008

if you don't have anything nice to say...

...then just post some lame pictures and piss and moan about it anyway.

remember when i used to blog? there was a time when i would have been the first to sign up for the BufBloPoFo, but i don't really have anything to write about. at least, nothing you'd want to read.

might as well get this out of the way. i am the worst possible person to send off to a new city by herself. oh sure, it was lots of fun to play tabletop shuffleboard with the cute guy, but umm, that's all i got. seriously. yes, i know i should just go to a bar and make some random friends like i usually do, but in all honesty, i am so incredibly lonely that even if i felt like going to a bar alone, everyone would take one look at me and then quickly look away from my pathetic visage, and then i would become even more pathetic because i would be stuck drinking at a bar alone. very alone. so alone that the bartender doesn't know my 4 favorite drinks and no one's gonna show up anytime soon, regardless of how much texting i do. that's really alone.

so, now you know my big life secret. i'm really shy when i'm not around my friends. if you find that shocking - think of it this way: have you ever seen me when i'm not with my friends? kinda hard to do if you are one and lack the necessary spy equipment, huh? there, that's finally off my chest. thanks, i feel a lot better now. except for the part where i'm still surrounded by 4 million strangers.

"then go see the sights!" you may say. allow me to counter: i've already visited all of the attractions that i have even the mildest interest in, except for the modern art galleries, which are really only fun if i have someone to make fun of them with. speaking of which, i can't believe i never made it to the guggenheim in nyc. bollocks.* i was going to go to this, but then it was 45 degrees out - and who wants to look at a bunch of ice when it's too hot out for gloves?!

so, i apologize in advance, but when i come home, i'm not going to have any tales of chicago-related awesomeness to regale you with (other than indoor shuffleboard and leona's lasagna). we're just going to have to resort to our old standards: why french vodka is the best, how cool batman is, why i can never have too many shoes and surveying the women folk on how many beauty products they don't realize they have. on the plus side, i have now seen every bloody episode of "lost;" so we can totally add how much i hate juliet and miss charlie to our repertoire.

*in case you were curious, i haven't pulled a britney and started speaking in a british accent. it's just that after watching all of that "lost" i find that i really prefer the queen's english when it comes to swearing. plus, it's safer for the kids at home.


Mike Garvey said...

Ah, but Spabs, that's the magic of BufBloPoFo. It kicks you in the arse... ahem... the "ass" and makes you find a topic to post on. I haven't had a good idea to write about in years, but for fourteen days this March we're all going to hear me blather on regardless.

And by the way, you'll make friends faster than you think, and probably the better ones will come from talking about vodka, batman, and stupid modern art. In the meantime, go eat a deep-dish for me.

Anonymous said...

okay sounds like way less lonesome by April 7th...
and soon work will bring new faces and more parties..
with the dynamic duo of Gabs and Madison ...look out Chicago!