Sunday, March 02, 2008

catching up

if i'm going to properly join BufBloPoFo, i guess i should comment on the topics that have been recommended to us:

1. i got my first blog in january 2003 at easyjournal. in july i switched to livejournal cause all my friends in nyc were doing it and easyjournal was sorta lame. then i stopped using livejournal in august 2005 cause some jerks were reading it and making mean comments. but i missed blogging so i joined blogspot in december 2005 cause all my buffalo friends were doing it. i chose this theme cause i love polka dots. i'm pretty straightforward like that.

2. i talked about my best gift ever over here, but to sum up, the best gift i ever got was a scrapbook that my sister made for me. most thoughtful gift ever. that kid rocks.

i am the laziest person i know. you would think that with all this spare time i have that i would be doing all kinds of crazy things. nope. us lazy people are just as content to sit around in our jammies and surf the web. which is not why i moved to chicago. it's not like the web is any different out here than it is in buffalo. the real problem is that i don't have a job and i've fallen victim to classic unemployment syndrome. i have no schedule and sad to say, no motivation to make one for myself. cleaning day used to be sunday. now it's saturday, sunday or monday. craziness! so, to compromise with myself (since i'm not going to get up at 7 everyday for no reason) i'm going to do something (anything) everyday. because really, my office chair is way too comfy for my own good.

so today i went to a comic book store (you know where you can read about it) and then i went to see "vantage point." i had a really good vantage point for this movie, middle, no one in front of me. so let me tell you my view: it's terrible. poorly executed and the acting was nothing spectacular either. they even made the 'splosions boring!

i also saw a woman walking her cat outside. the cat seemed to like it a lot (for reals!) which made it seem less strange. i would give that a try with my cat, but she's even lazier than i am. i at least enjoy walking once i'm off my butt, but ol' harls only walks to find a comfier place to lay down. or to meow in my face to prove her continued displeasure with her diet kitty food. too bad she can't meow at me when i'm outta da hizz-ouse!

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